Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Junior High

12th birthday - 6th grade

Beehive Class
Sister Perry, Lori Judy, Jeanette Caldwell, Sister Rustici
Lori, Jeanette, Becky
Lori and Cousin Delene on Halloween 1978

Daddy showing his girls Shalean, Natalie and Lori a rattlesnake.
Lori Baking Cookies
7th Grade
Age 12
8th Grade
Age 13

February 12, 1981- 13 years old
I jumped down our stairs and hit my head on the overhang above the stairs.
I cut my head and I landed on my back on the stairs. Mom thought that I had broken my back and then she noticed my head.
Mom and Dad took me to the emergency medical center and I got 8 stitches. We got them out February 19. It didn't even hurt!!!

July 22, 1981 - 14 years old
Young Women's Manti Pageant Trip.

We headed to Crossroads Mall. They were having a gigantic sale!!! I bought a purple purse, purple dress, purple bracelet and an orange julius all for $10.

Lori loved purple and orange julius drinks. She would often make them for her family.
Here is her recipe.

October 16, 1981
I'm the piano player in seminary and I'm a zone leader and I gave the 1st devotional. I really like school. We're starting church basketball on Wednesday. We're going to win. I'm also in the Era Bowl. We're going to do really good.

February 28, 1982
Tonight we just got back from a fireside with Stewart Peterson. He's so good looking!!! He's such a neat guy!!! I just want to hug him!!! I shook his hand and said hi! Wow! huh?

Stewart Peterson is the actor in Against a Crooked Sky, Seven Alone and Where the Red Fern Grows, The First Vision.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really cool blog. Makes me really appreciate the community I grew up in and brings back some memories of Ammon. Thanks for sharing.
